Web Design



In collaboation with Poixel, Website design for Dietbux, a renowned diet catering company in Kuwait, aiming to address issues of poor usability and SEO on the existing website while implementing a custom nutrition calculator feature to enhance user experience and engagement.

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The project involved a comprehensive overhaul of Dietbux's website to address usability and SEO concerns. The core challenge was the integration of a custom JavaScript-based nutrition calculator to recommend personalized diet plans based on user input. Our process included thorough analysis, design planning, and development iterations to ensure seamless implementation of this key feature. Through collaborative efforts and iterative testing, we successfully executed the custom nutrition calculator, which emerged as a pivotal marketing asset for Dietbux, garnering positive feedback from its audience.


The revamped website for Dietbux is poised to enhance user experience and engagement while improving SEO performance. The implementation of the custom nutrition calculator serves as a standout feature, providing users with personalized diet recommendations and distinguishing Dietbux from competitors. With improved usability, enhanced SEO, and the successful execution of the core feature, Dietbux is expected to attract more traffic, increase user interaction, and reinforce its position as a leading diet catering company in Kuwait.

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Please be aware that the website may have gone change over time by the client themselves
Web Development